Guilded Radio

A helper library for Roblox that allows you to listen to, and manipulate, a Guilded server.


Guilded Radio is an all-in-one solution to connect your Roblox Server and one or more of your Guilded servers. One function call connects your server, and then the rest of the functions let you do whatever you'd like, including listening, chatting, moderating, maniuplating, and more. There's lots of stuff you can do:

  • Read, write, edit, embed, and delete text messages in any chat channel your Guilded Bot has access to
  • Read, write, edit, and delete forum topics and their replies as your Guilded bot
  • Add and remove ranks from members
  • Apply kicks and bans of any length, duration, or reason
  • Read and give or remove Guilded XP from a specific member or owners of a role

And all of this can be done automatically by your Roblox game -- without intervention! Interacting with your community between services has never been easier.

Installation Inside Your Game

  • Guilded Radio is a ModuleScript -- this means it's a single, self-contained object. Grab it from my Github here, either downloading the file directly or copying and pasting it from the website.
  • Create a new ModuleScript object. In Roblox Studio, this is typically done by right-clicking the parent you want to add a child object to, choosing "Insert Object...", typing "modulescript", then hitting Enter.
  • Security Recommendation
    For security reasons, it's best to place Guilded Radio somewhere in ServerScriptStorage and only ever refer to it from the server. This is because GuildedRadio echos every request through children objects to make debugging easier, as well as requiring your serverID and API key as variables. That means your serverID, or worse, your API key, could potentially be leaked, if they ever show up on the client!
  • Paste the Guilded Radio script into the ModuleScript object. You may need to hit Enter in order to make Roblox Studio save the change.
  • Documentation

    API Documentation is forthcoming. For now, install the Documentation Reader Studio plugin, as my library has already been extensively documented using that plugin.